Slinger Bag Quick Start Instructions

IMPORTANT: DO NOT use the launcher when connected to a power outlet. This will irreparably damage the battery. Additionally, DO NOT charge the battery for more than 5 hours.

  1. Position the launcher on the court in your desired position. See our suggested positions below.
  2. Unzip the lower front panel.
  3. Adjust the control knobs to set the desired ball SPEED, FEED and SPIN. See our suggested settings below.
  4. Unzip the bottom right side panel. Adjust the ANGLE control knob to your desired launching angle by rotating counterclockwise to release the knob and clockwise to lock it. Ensure that it is fully tightened before starting the launcher. See our suggested settings below.
  5. Turn ‘ON’ the power switch on the front control panel.
  6. Remove the remote control from the top left side pocket and proceed to your playing position.
  7. Point the remote control at the launcher and press the top “On/Off” pickleball icon button once to activate the ball feeder.

You will hear a single “beep” to signal that the launcher has started. After 10 seconds you will hear a second “beep” signaling that the balls are about to begin launching.


NOTE: Battery life depends on usage. If used on low settings, battery life is up to 3 hours. This reduces to 1.5 hours when used at maximum speed, feed, and oscillation.

Slinger Ball Machine Setup Video

Oscillator (Deluxe Package only)

  1. Position the launcher onto the top of the oscillator making sure that the wheels are placed into the wheel slots.
  2. Connect the oscillator cable via the magnetic connector to the corresponding position on the launcher control panel. A GREEN LED indicator will turn on to indicate the oscillator is connected.
  3. Press the “On/Off” oscillator icon button to activate the oscillator.


IMPORTANT: DO NOT use the launcher when connected to a power outlet. This will irreparably damage the battery. Additionally, DO NOT charge the battery for more than 5 hours.

  1. Ensure the launcher is powered OFF.
  2. Connect the charger plug to a wall power outlet. A GREEN light will appear on the charger to indicate the power is ‘On’.
  3. Connect the charger to the launcher power outlet located on the control panel.
  4. If light remains GREEN then the battery is already fully charged. In this case, please immediately disconnect the charger from the power outlet.

If the battery has less than full power, the charger light will show RED and charging will take place. The light will turn GREEN when the battery is fully charged, after which the charger should be removed from the power outlet.

Suggested Court Placement

The suggested court placements below are designed to help you get started. We encourage you to get creative by adjusting the settings according to your preferences. You can also adjust the direction of ball launch by using the optional oscillator or by simply rotating the launcher to the left or the right, allowing for more cross-court or down the line feeding for specific situations.

  • Drives & Drops

    This setting focuses on practicing both powerful drives and the finesse of third shot drops.

  • Dinks & Volleys

    Designed to enhance your soft game and quick reactions, these settings deliver either gentle dinks and rapid volleys.

  • Kitchen Defense

    These settings challenges players to defend the kitchen against a variety of shots. Dial in different scenarios including drops, drives, and pop-ups.


SPEED: Controls the speed of the balls being launched. Speed ranges from 10-45 mph.

SPIN: Controls the spin of the balls. Spin ranges from -3 (max UNDER spin) to 3 (max
TOP spin). Point the knob to FLAT for flat balls. Top speed can only be reached in FLAT mode.

FEED: Controls how frequently balls are launched. Feed rate range is 2-7 seconds.

ANGLE: Controls the launching angle of the ball. Launching angle ranges from 10° to 40°.